Thursday, April 26, 2012

QR Codes - The Potential is Limitless

Scan with your QR Code reader and see what happens.

You can’t help but notice all of the weird square boxes everywhere you go. What are they and what can they do for you?

Quick Response codes were created in Japan for the auto industry. They were originally used to track different stops on the assembly line. Today, they can open your business to a whole new world. These codes can be used to link your business to contact information, installation instructions, directions, free MP3 downloads, and customer feedback forms to name a few.

There are obvious applications like scanning a code for a coupon, restaurant menu, convention and event name tags or sides of trucks and trailers. But, how great would be it be for customers or potential clients to scan the QR code on your business card and instantly have your contact information in their smart phone? Or vice versa. You meet a new business contact, and their information can be scanned into your phone. No more digging around in the bottom of your briefcase or the floorboard of your car to find loose business cards! Sounds like a perfect world.

QR codes have larger storage capacity than UPC barcodes. They can be linked to your company website, coupons, discounts, blog posts, etc. You can use them on your business cards, marketing materials, and advertising. The options really are endless, smart phones have essentially put a bar code reader in all of our pockets.

Do you have a cool way to use QR codes with your business? Do you think QR codes could help you with your marketing?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Welcome to "Printer's Ink" by KPB

Welcome to the KPB Commercial Printing Blog. We are very excited to share our insights and expertise with you, our friends and customers! We have lots of entries planned, but here are a few topics you will see in the upcoming weeks...

  • If you are not taking care of your customers, somebody else will.
  • Do the old, but relevant rules of using the customer’s name, remembering the customer, and making them feel special still work today?
  • Having trouble sending files to your printer? 
  • How can I get the most bang for my buck at the post office?
  • Tired of writing checks?

Be sure to follow our blog to find out what works for us and tips we think will help you.